5 products you should *actually* buy your baby in 2021
Wipe warmers. Fancy electronic bassinets. 4Moms Mamaroo. Baby Brezza. $300 high chairs. What’s the common thread?
These are all overhyped products the modern pregnant woman gets tricked into thinking she needs to be a capable mother in 2021.
The smoke and mirrors of social media take advantage of your excitement and sometimes (okay, currently all the time) scattered state of mind. Hello, pregnancy brain! Not to mention your sudden need to nest, clean and nap all at once, rinse and repeat — especially if you’re like me after binging an entire season of “Getting Organized with The Home Edit” in a span of 24 hours.
The opinions and suggestions from your neighbor, coworker, Aunt Susan and Facebook acquaintance from high school are not lacking these days. Trust me, there are so many trinkets and machines that are beyond unnecessary for your new addition’s happiness and well being.
I became a first-time mama during quarantine of April 2020. I had heard and seen it all. Facebook ads, Instagram sponsored stories, and picture perfect Pinterest boards made me believe I needed hundreds of dollars worth of useless items added to my registry. Mama, if you are looking for what baby products are totally worth it in 2021, you came to the right spot. This post is in no way sponsored (I wish.)
1. Hatch Sound Machine
Game changer.
This is my MUST have item I recommend to all soon to be mamas. It has a range of white noise to calming nature sounds and can even been used as a nightlight with a “time to rise” setting when your LO enters toddlerhood. My little guy listens to the shower sound on full blast every night. We take it everywhere we go. I have found that I sleep better while using it too!
2. Silicone Butt Cream Spatula
Honestly, why hasn’t this been a thing for years?
It’s incredible. No more sticky white goop underneath your fresh dip manicure. Yes I said manicure! Leave the house every once in a while, you deserve it. It retails just under $7 on Amazon and this one even comes with a carrying case. It’s like when you find out your dress has pockets. Genius. Get into all the nooks and crannies with just a few swipes. Use a wipe to clean up after each use and get back to the million other things on your to-do list. You got this.
3. Dock a Tot or really ANY baby lounger
Pro tip: do not buy this full price. Find a used one or “knock off” brand that will work just the same.
She’s pricey. I won’t deny that. Hear me out. Do NOT buy this full price. You can find these on Facebook Marketplace or anywhere else you might find gently used baby items. You might even get really lucky like I did and your neighbor could be giving hers away for free. In fact, she was on her way to Goodwill with this thing! You just never know the treasures you might find thrift shopping. My little guy only napped in this for the few several months during the day, and yes, supervised always. He loved being snuggled and feel safe and comfy with the raised edges surrounding his tiny body. The cover is washable which is a huge plus. Also, there are so many “knock off” brands that I know would work just the same. Babies don’t care about name brands.
4. IKEA ANTILOP High Chair
Only $20. We have two. They are SO worth it.
This guy retails for $19.99 and is raved about in any mom group you can find on the internet. $300 high chairs are so not it right now. Especially because you can’t hose them off in your backyard after your baby destroys it with marinara sauce on pasta night. This is one of the best suggestions I have ever been given, so much so that my baby boy has one at home and one at his grandparents house. It comes apart in seconds, so you could easily travel with it or take it to a restaurant. Don’t hesitate on this one, they sell out quickly or are often on back order online!
5. Love to Dream Swaddle
If your little babe doesn’t like swaddling with their arms down, you absolutely need this. Baby can have their arms up while sleeping and can move a little more freely than in a traditional swaddle. These are still super safe for sleep — but make sure you still lay them on their backs. Once baby starts rolling, they have a version with zippers so baby’s arms can be free. I still have my 10 month old in the arms free version still. They have swaddles made from different materials for different seasons or climates, too!
To all the babies made in quarantine and soon to be parents in an already-frantic-yet-half-asleep state searching the internet each night at 2 AM, you will do great. I hope these items bring you as much joy as they did my family and guide you through all of the precious moments you are about to embark on together.